Know About


Founded by Rafiq Ahmed (Co-founder & Chairman), and Junaid Rahman (Co-founder & Managing Director), the company was laid out to assist brands with smoothing out business processes through managed offshore human talent and technology.
It was in 2018 August, that was found to meet the needs of companies of all magnitudes, no matter what their size or industry. We trust that Fortune 500 organizations, however all organizations ought to approach great and reasonable marketing solutions.
We offer end-to-end company management solutions, including a variety of administrations including Customer Care, Digital Marketing, Website Development, Social Media Management, Marketing Services, and Creative Management.


We Foresee The Future By Making It​

We assist businesses with forming and conveying a supercharged client experience, work on their image and client steadfastness, drive gradual revenue growth, boost functional and hierarchical proficiency, and save working expenses by overseeing administrations for their benefit.
Today, we offer many types of assistance from our administrative centre in Dhaka, outfitted with completely repetitive information connects to the worldwide, endeavour grade network foundation, continuous power arrangements, and any remaining elements of a 360 Degree Marketing Solution provider.

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